Advocacy & Wholeness Resources
Racial Justice Resources
Places to Donate:
Other Ways to Support:
​Sign Petitions
Watch An Ad Campaign to raise funds for BLM.
Check Your Voter Registration/Register to Vote
Support Black Businesses
Ways to Educate Yourself and Work to be Anti-Racist:
Social Media Accounts to Follow:
Practice Self Care:
Mental Health Tips
Exercise: There are many ways to do this, but two ideas are free YouTube dance videos and Yoga with Adriene.
Journal: Try the easy Five Minute Journal.
Art: Adult coloring books are an easy and relaxing outlet.
Mental Health-Focused Apps: These apps make it easier to remember to prioritize your wellness.
Human Rights Resilience Project: Studies, resources, toolkits, and trainings about resilience and mental health for activists
COVID-19 Resources
We hope that these resources will be helpful for challenges you might be facing:
COVID-19 Relief Fund: The law school has announced an enhanced NYU Law Hardship Fund for students affected by COVID-19. Students who have been financially affected are encouraged to apply here. Law Women has donated $20,000 to the Emergency Hardship Fund.
NYU Wellness Center: The NYU Wellness Center is offering virtual counseling sessions by appointment. Click here to learn more.
The Moses Center: Click here to find resources and contact information for exam and class accommodations.
Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety: Resources for anxiety and your mental health in a global climate of uncertainty.
Calm Free Resources: Click here for meditations, stories, music, talks and more to support your mental and emotional wellness while social distancing.
UCLA MARC Free Guided Meditations
Shinzen Young’s YouTube Channels, "Expand Contract" and "Shinzen Interviews"
ABA Before the Bar, Law school stress: It’s not about you, and it’s all about you
ABA Law Student Podcast, Maintaining Mental Health at Law School
Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.
The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa et al.
The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris, M.D.
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön
The Issue at Hand by Gil Fronsdal